Welcome to an American dialogue. A breathing space for the core of America. The regular 'all of us' with roots that go way back.
are coming together to address a betrayal worse than slavery ever was. We
are being suffocated
beneath the most extreme illegal border overrun in world history. It's an American
Our extinction is being fed to us in a mockery of egalitarianism by those who are supposed to be our protectors. Today, these alien networks are in open escalation, making at least one thing perfectly clear.
Soon, the million families of 'the rescue' will require a defensive shield of their own." Graham Payne
Easily accessible and visually expansive, the Presidential Honors Pavilion
will provide the setting for this insightful cultural journey.
The NEW Vet's Association
~ ( The one making the movie! )
As we find ourselves facing the final century of life on our earth, we can't help but anguish at the sight of our own nation falling beneath a tide of undeterred trespass.
We are experiencing the consequences of administrative betrayal, in disaster like effects now affecting only the sovereigns of our nation.
The unification of homeland defenders is a welcome occurrence. After all, we are a sovereign population in need of hope, falling beneath an unsustainable and illegal invasion.
Our international (western) humanitarian partnerships will be an inverse cataclysm, with these carefully developed home fronts now disappearing under the escalating hordes attacking Europe.
We might have been the rescue-generation of the world. Instead, we are the death-generation of America.
We will be lucky to see fifteen more years before every American, our friends and families, will be forced to amplify their personal safety requirements as the criminal trespass networks begin to have their horrifying way.
This means, if our loved ones don't need increased protection today, they will. Even the wealthy have seen what's coming.
The new status quo is the conspiratorial glee of an invading villain and those who were supposed to be our protectors have turned their backs.
Let us be sheltered from the approaching storm.
The Legion-Rescue is a military themed culture whose Native American members hold the title of 'Brave'.
The three sovereign races of America will work together in common cause for the survival of our million families.
The moment has arrived to deftly organize black, white and native Americans including veterans in a mutually protective and encouraging vocational culture, featuring candidates soaring into office.
This sovereign unity format is passed to us by our founding fathers.
Co-founded in harmony for this Civil Rights renaissance, this vets association will form a shield for the million families of "the rescue".
No longer frozen in dismay as we look upon an incapacitated political malignance casually enabling the destruction of the American home front.
It is time to rise from being outnumbered on the eve of destruction to changing the game at the elite power level.
Presenting a new media network with national visibility that will (also) make you a fortune.
Using a new model for candidacy, dovetailed into union of sovereign families we can stop the disaster in it's tracks.
Rising up from a small flame in the heart of our fellow Americans, and becoming a galvanizing force in every city, a vital new civic society is beginning to take shape.
Welcome to it's voice.
Are you a Graham Payne sympathizer?
Many Americans already are.
From battlefield laptop to network studio desktop, we find correspondent Graham Payne moving up in the world. Graham enjoys an expanding profile through her series "Voice of The Revolution".
If military themes are not your cup of tea, no worries! Glide over and rescue the oceans with Leslie "Solar" Finn as ocean rescuing ISOPS creates new values for persons looking for a great global mission.
The Freeborn Legion Foundation
~ The Essence of A
Nation ~