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Hundreds of Candidates Make a Difference?
about thousands? The smart answer is a hearty yes ~
you go to congress you'll be on good hands.
This business model can be organized to engender a society that is configured to create a change of government, with strategies for each state, equipped with a colorful affiliate news network and forthcoming films to feature all aspects, including candidates and policy library.
We envision a national restoration movement in power, on a unified trajectory, holding the door open for colleagues arriving in-step from elections, relentlessly increasing the ranks of a political union so large it will have it's own economy.
Provide a soaring uplift for Civil Rights, removing the usual barriers and doing it a hundred at-a-time across the national election map.
Trump spent a worthy fortune to place one man in the office.
For a similar expenditure our network will present hundreds of candidates for election, to battle for the poor and the besieged.
The training platform is vast.
Using a new format for audiovisual communication, the NCRDN features a desktop co-networked to mobilize a change of government.
Prior to the vast public voter audience, you will inspire and entertain a nationwide private academy, as a network star.
This easy access training for nearly any financially cornered American can direct their energy into strategies that reach for the corridors of power, in teams that facilitate candidacy using free and fun desktop utilities.
Welcome to a corner of cyberspace where Civil Rights Americans may assemble to influence their future and caring persons may launch a grassroots political armada to rescue the biosphere.
Begin in a quiet observational mode. Then, when ready, click a link and a confident mentor speaks to you about your interest.
Not to sell. To help.
In very real terms, the NCRDN has the paradigm shifting power of a free, exclusively sovereign campus, where courses are built to thrill and inspire and unite for power in this national desktop network with-a-plan.
Be united in a destiny.
As we rescue America from the catastrophe of homeland invasion, we can work to unite the world in the biosphere rescuing vision of ISOPS.
Enjoy the wonders from your front row seat in The VIP Lounge.
A plateau of shared political awakenings.
This next election, its a big
catch... (don't let it get away.) Reel it in!
~ Directors Board Status, Job Fair
Exclusives, Careers & Training ~
~ A Power Sourcing
Enterprise for Sovereigns ~