The REAL State of The Union?!" 
Veterans News ~ Food supply tainted. Water tables ruined. Half the nation is medicated as most new sovereign marriages shatter. Suddenly being overrun by a morally reversed mob parading an appalling overpopulate us into submission scheme. 

Public education is a lobotomy. At last glance, many things are ten times as expensive.  Job market glutted. Housing market destroyed. Politicians in bed with invaders while twenty-five million sovereign kids go hungry. 

The evening news a joke as the tube makes you dumber. Our middle class has gone poor as the press has gone extinct with world demise looming and a million American families in critical!

When your country is reeling from disaster-like effects, it is TIME for 
Sunday Morning Damage Control!

Lets get this party started!

Sunday morning happens just once at the Rubicon Summit and Chicago's Christy Miller 
will be at the helm, and pray there is protection for the front rows. 



When your country is reeling from disaster effects, and your politicians are in bed with the cause! it's time for DAMAGE CONTROL! 

Fifty years of infighting over outdated agendas and now access to our nation has escalated into a sinister, oozing apocalypse.

This is a common interest here at the Rubicon Summit. 

A half century of one side of the discussion being insultingly silenced and now our world is being pulled down all around us. One thing is sure. 

It's time for a shake out! A voter referendum will do nicely.  

Black, white and Native Americans are suddenly looking around a country destroyed in their faces and horrifyingly fast, and none have any idea what to do. 

Now, they will. 

The Summit For America is coming.

This out-of-sequence election style event will have music, an art plaza, a design exposition, an evening of one act plays and they promised that I would be a food judge in the culinary court. 

Our daily seven-hundred dollar dining allowance lasts about ten minutes with eight persons at this elegant resort. Usually spent in the first ten seconds of the morning. 

I will be speaking eloquently as my crew will be walking around stuffing their faces. 

Welcome to The Summit For America!

We're behind-the-scenes at the emerging network 
and Christie is a rising star. That is, when she's answering her cel!

In her 10am Sunday time slot, Christy and company provide a journey through the revolutionary half of the brain. 

Intelligent commentary and unique perspectives addressing the topics of our age in an engaging and positive fashion. 

Upbeat and solution oriented. A revolving mix of the news, music, advice, interviews and political interest. 

Connecting the dots from today's politics through tomorrows generations.

Introducing a political vocabulary that is fresh, optimistic, and just controversial enough to get a buzz going.

Christy will try and control her own damage and bring her tapestry of fun and common threads to the Summit For America. 

Don't miss this highly anticipated series! 

A Collection of Blogs & Perspectives ~
On-line now, and smelling delicious.

Is a GAME ~