Select Your ][ guild / campus / clone / boutique / studio ~


Anyone who has examined the topic will agree. 
    Web design is long overdue for something new. 

Network Affiliate Directory It has arrived.

NETWORK GENESIS~  templates designed for multiple monitors. ~   

~  A New State for Broadcast Art ~  DIRECT TO STUDIO.

The web site you are looking at is a clone, and you're not looking at it. You're looking through it. 

We create a hundred at a time then simply 'assign' them like modems. Free. Join the fun! 

Welcome to a showcase of performance innovation 
    on a desktop display format that will change web presentation forever.



Designers of a New Entertainment Network 

    & Creators of a New National Vision.  

Your conventional web site is a droid. Your web site visitor is not. 

It is great PR to be in step with the times.

As a liquid design client, your web site remains the web presence designed for YOU. It still contains your specifics, but now you and your 'stuff' are draped in an affiliate network full of entertainment and freedom. 

You friends and colleagues will visit your new online presence in liquid and stay awhile. Simply because there is more. 

This paradigm shift for web design is intuitive and incredibly vast and the conversion from a current site to cinematic liquid takes minutes. From there, any amount of personalization occurs in easy steps. 

To infuse this sensual new design algorithm into the public imagination we have also liberated the concept of web hosting. 

Rather than limiting the web-concept to folders and subdirectories, in every new clone we experience a virtual realm called 'the hive'. 

It is positioned in earth orbit and extends beyond our solar system.

This means, your new liquid clone (web site) may be in orbit around Jupiter ...

 which is available. 

~ Featuring the introduction of two new schools of art. ~

~ Knowledge Base ~
~ Before, After & How to Get Started ~

Web design, today...

Navigable links through indexed data. It's nice, but lacking real artistic satisfaction. 

The 'Before, After & How To Get There' discussion takes us past a small issue called "cross browser" friendliness. 

Cross  browser "friendly", is really, anything but.  

Exactly, what are we getting for our "friendliness"? Right off the bat, it is 'forced' friendliness. We are fated to learn how unsatisfying that kind can be. 

In the case of your cross browser 'friendly' web page, it is conformity to the bland, in self-enforced limitation mode. 

Web design is a craft long overdue for improvement. 

That improvement has arrived. 

The Liquid Algorithm Arrives: 

The new format raises the bar of web design and online publishing as another cyberspace is revealed behind the flat picture plane. 

There is now cinematic layering to a distant (virtual) horizon. 

This launches a transition in web entertainment and visual communication. Solving a range of problems along the way. 

Liquid will arrive with a splash and will be the darling of the industry for some time. 

Why not be a darling along with it. 

Just download a clone and move in. 


~ Knowledge Base ~
~ Going from a flat web page to layered 3-D. ~ 

So, what actually happens?

When you go from flat to 3d your web site becomes a multi-feature news and entertainment channel combined with a multi-section magazine bristling with affiliate entertainment. All bursting to life on page load, on any browser.  

And it's free. 

By running a channel clone your web site becomes the center of a private network. Your free clone comes with everything, and if you don't want affiliate stuff just switch it off, leaving open cinematic space that is beautiful, even when empty. 

Your free liquid upgrade can be customized in many ways. Set it up for a selection of original media and even create your own clones! Your friends' new web domains in YOUR affiliate channel. 

How to get started.

~ Screen Comparisons ~
Cross-browser friendliness has a new story. 
BEFORE: previous/current cross-browser 'friendly' site. It is 2-D flat. 

AFTER: the liquid conversion.
 We see the previous site. It is easily embedded, and now is the center of the clone, immersed in easy-to-configure cinematic layers. 

Time for this 3-step process: about 30 minutes.

  "Build a dream here..." whispered the voice of the hive... 


~ Project Details ~ 

Figure 1a ][ liquid is observed

I assure the reader the experience of clicking the links yourself is better than following my mouse around. 

When observing the video: 
imagine your web site is a multi-level apartment building and the floors are made of glass. You design from the very top, as if looking down through the floors, to a backdrop, or foundation of expressive cinema. 

imagine you are 'looking through' the display as if looking through layers of water, and the full screen image in the background is the bottom of a "pool".

Observable in both videos: 
Seen with menus and depth, set up for a 24 series Tele-Zene in a fifty layer liquid platform.

Never-before-seen web effects, including features, stars, fan voting, merchandising and 'preludes' for forthcoming movies and entertainment projects.  An affiliate network is integrated, expanding into forthcoming features and even acting roles. 

Click to view a demo: 
  The "Magazine Metropolis"  

The "Magazine Metropolis" ][ the global portal. 

  "The Magazine Metropolis"The street lamp navigation key can be seen in a natural and complimentary position. If the bouncy video focus doesn't dim your interest. 

You are seeing:

Site navigation ][ in layers 

A navigation sectional seen in the desktop video. Presented in isolation, the "street lamp" navigation key utilizes one of fifty layers in the liquid 'trellis'. 

You are welcome to right-click and save the WMV (video file) to your hard drive or just click and take a look.


Figure 1b ][ Video. 

~ A paradigm shifter. ~ In liquid design, web design goes from 'making a page' to 'filling a space'. This changes things.

Video players can perform in layers.

In this view, there are ten multi-layer modules.

Imagine twenty, on your dual display. 

Takes moments.

The video modules can start playing off-screen and glide in. 

Others, you click and they appear and you can drag them around with your mouse. 

You have parallel monitors. All world.  

A multiverse is in motion... 

     ... when from the right side, a multi-layer network affiliate 'glider' intersects the pool, and away you go.

How a liquid design instructor may begin a training course.

"Welcome students, and penitentiary guests,

In this course we will explore design innovation for a world where desktop screens are getting larger and processors are getting stronger, as high definition video is becoming more affordable and user friendly.

Liquid is a design algorithm that uses layers within an artistic chamber to create a depth landscape, or 'terrain'. 

Rather than confining the web designer to the little boxes of today's 2-D' web pages, this scalable 3-D format releases the designer into the space behind, to design in the realm beyond.

...but not tunneling out of the prison... Elmer.

It creates a cinematic value and gives the web presence a fluid like grace. You go from page making to space shaping.

Along the way, another observable upgrade is discovered. The data display potentials in the artistic chamber are unprecedented.

On your screens are liquid clones, also called "blanks". We will 'fill in' these blanks to create something amazing.

Now, please go to your Start Menu and open Notepad and Billy-the-peeper will take us through the basics..."

~ Plug-and-play sectionals are easily personalized "liquid terrain". ~

a layered web site
Figure 1c ][
A moment for the web designer...

Since it may be a reoccurring and understandable assumption, it must be mentioned that Flash is not present in the liquid clone.  

A comparative illustration may be; 

In your liquid design 'pool' you are in an artistic chamber, looking to the bottom of the pool, many layers in the distance. 

It is like being Inside the Flash creation program itself, yet operating freely, by inclination and whim in a process of intuitive adjustments.

The liquid web site is created as if gazing toward the bottom of a virtual 'pool', while designing within the layers of a translucent volume, resulting in a data rich cinematic animation with click-through transparency extending to the horizon. 

Software familiarity hold-backs are gone and the final design is not 'locked', but changeable in familiar Notepad to perform on an ordinary browser. 

Combined movements within the volume, creates a strobing multi layered... "thing", with many layers in motion. 

As such, the display will never reveal the same pixel combination twice. Each moment is unique and is a mathematical puzzle, 

The 'plane' of the chamber extends far beyond the parameters of the monitor.

How vast is this new virtual realm?

A (virtual) portion of this liquid prototype could be in the room where you are sitting.

comparisons ][ If you feel like comparing...

Those who are viewing the industrial demo on Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 have been observing the high speed telex in motion. But for Firefox, Opera and Chrome users the telex is seen in a crisp paragraph.

Please note:
This telex does NOT make the words any smarter. We are coming to terms with this setback...  

The telex is seen in 2 forms. A screenshot and a HD video of the telex sectional. This may assist in a comparative analysis. 

Feel free to right-click and save the WMV (video file) to your hard drive or click and take a look. 

Three telex sectionals:
~ "Dynamic Casting" telex ~ "Beta Cast: Active" telex ~ "The Inside story" telex ~ 

About high octane liquid telex ~
 though it may be the easiest and fastest high performance telex going, our telex novelty also has attributes.  

clarification a;
How the stills were made. 

A simple desktop snap captures a display in full motion. The "print screen" key captures a still image of the moving elements. A trip through Photoshop was not even contemplated. 

A still Image can be downloaded with a right-click 'save as', and then examined in microscopic detail, as it is huge. Or, you might just click the image and see it in a new browser window. 

Left; The casting portal. Right; The advanced 'stage door' phase of the studio. 

clarification b;
How the videos were made. 

There is an issue with the auto-focus of my tiny HD camera. It may be the operator. I angled it at the screen, worked with the focus widget, hit RECORD and clicked around for awhile. Did not open it in the video editor, Uploaded the video file as-is.

Risks and challenges

Liquid design is not a trademark. It is a genre identifier, like 'collage artwork',  or ''downhill skiing'. as is the use of multiverse and telex. We will not seek to trademark these words or phrases. Models have submitted the images to this project so dreams may come true for them. All component applets are of freeware origin and lawfully used. The composition is an animated collage. There are no photo rights infringements.

..into the liquid dimension we go...

The asymmetrical breakout! 

Yesterday, web display was all 2D. Nice. but flat.
Today, 3D breaks out. It's a dimensional paradigm shift.
The Tele-Zene Cipher creates a fourth dimension, for entertainment. 
The game overlay interweaves the performing cast into a hidden, fifth dimension. 
As for the sixth and seventh dimensions? They exist, and will be revealed!